Please take care of me for the rest of my life

Xiao Bai was thinking with a troubled face.

“Strawberry-flavored ice cream cone, do you want it?”The magnetic voice did not give up on coaxing him.

The young commander caressed her smooth face. His heart could not calm down as it rippled.

After thinking for a long time, Yun Xiao Bai nodded heavily and looked at him seriously. “Yes, I want to eat an ice cream cone, strawberry-flavored and chocolate-flavored.”

“Xiaobai, be good.”The young commander’s Adam’s apple rolled. “Now, Lick it, Eh? Brother Rong will give you an ice cream cone later.”

“Here?”Xiaobai tapped the mushroom head with his hand and then said with a look of disdain, “But it doesn’t look very delicious. I don’t like eating matsutake.”

The young commander’s face fell in defeat. This idiot was so hard to fool even when he was drunk!

“Brother Rong, aren’t you going to treat me to an ice cream cone?”A certain someone who did not know that he had provoked came over to ask him.