We haven't seen each other in a few days

after returning to her room, an xiaowan quickly fell asleep.

before she went to bed, she didn't forget to put on a face mask.

the next day, susan quickly sent over a news article and a few photos.

" let's release one of them first to attract everyone's attention. after an xue explains herself, we'll release the rest of the evidence. " An Xiaowan was half-lying on the sofa with her legs crossed, a happy smile on her face.

An Xue, with her personality, she would definitely retaliate when she received such a scandal.

at that time, she would use a different direction to give a solid hammer, and she would definitely be speechless!

An Xiaowan squinted her eyes slightly. Su Shan chuckled and agreed.

by the way, Xiao Wan, " su Shan suddenly stopped, her breathing became heavy, " du yunlan is still selling at the old house, but Mr. Smith and the others really didn't continue to cooperate with du yunlan. I'm afraid she's full of regret.