the only woman

ye qingqing's eyes widened and her mouth was slightly open. she was extremely surprised.

"who are you? Who allowed you to barge in on your own?"

After coming to her senses, the little princess, ye Qingqing, immediately flew into a rage.

luo ran to the door and looked at the situation inside. he wanted to bury his head in the wall and never come out again.

However, an Xiaowan looked as if nothing had happened, and the smile on her face did not diminish.

She looked at Huo Shen as if she did not notice ye Qingqing's existence at all. She reached out her hand and gently stroked his hair. She said softly, "Mr. Huo, Xiao Wan has an urgent matter to discuss with you, so I ran in."

The man sitting in the middle had a calm expression, and no one could tell what he was feeling.

as if he wanted to watch from the side, he raised his eyes and glanced at her without saying a word.

Seeing that Huo Shen was ignoring her, ye Qingqing immediately became more confident.