a hug from behind

however, an xiaowan did not notice his abnormality at all. she only thought that he was finally willing to talk to her.

She heaved a sigh of relief and thought to herself, indeed, complimenting a woman that a man likes is the best form of flattery.

raising her head, an xiaowan tilted her head and looked up at him. she exhaled in front of his chest and said softly, " "mr. huo, don't worry. xiao wan will do her part."

huo shen looked down coldly and locked his eyes on her face. he was furious.

"you do have some self-awareness." The man's eyes were sharp, and his magnetic voice sounded like it came from hell, full of coldness and sarcasm.

An Xiaowan calmed down slightly, unable to figure out his mood at the moment.

What did he mean?

Was he complimenting her?

An Xiaowan didn't continue to think about it. Using the alcohol as an excuse, she pestered him again, blinking and smiling flirtatiously.

"Mr. Huo, are you still leaving?"