Chapter 89 no way out

He pursed his lips. be careful at night.

An Xiaowan was confused, but she nodded in agreement.

taking the room card, an xiaowan went upstairs alone, swiped the door open, and walked in.

Inside the room, it was a little hot and there was an inexplicable fragrance.

An Xiaowan's heart tightened, and the hand holding the doorknob immediately turned in another direction.

but behind her, someone suddenly stopped her hand from opening the door.

with a bang, the door was slammed shut. then, the person locked the door and grabbed an xiaowan's wrist.

In an instant, an Xiaowan's memory suddenly recovered.

the car at the foot of the mountain did look familiar, because it was director huang's car!

back then, she had been forced into a corner by the perverted director huang. that was why she had thought of taking a gamble and getting close to huo shen.

An Xiaowan composed herself and turned around.

Sure enough, director Huang was familiar with her face.