Suffocation, panic

grab the glass!

the heavy rain made the mountain road muddy.

an xiaowan's mouth was covered, her hands were tied, and she was transferred to a damp wooden house.

It was pitch black all around her. She was imprisoned and unable to move.

the big-bellied director huang wiped the rain off his face and a terrifying smile appeared on his face. " an xiaowan, stop pretending to be innocent. don't think of hiding from me today! "

an xiaowan lowered her eyes and bit her lower lip hard.

this bastard actually drugged her!

the pain on her lips made her regain consciousness.

"Director Huang, since I'm already in this state, why don't you untie me first?" an xiaowan tried her best to get a chance to turn things around.

She looked around and realized that she was still on the mountain, but she was no longer near the hotel.

as far as he could see, there was no light. he must have already reached the deep mountains.