a vicious and cruel woman

an xiaowan had never been an easy person to get along with. she would take revenge if she had a grudge. To her, there was no such thing as heartache, being a saint, being full of compassion, or forgiveness.

If the world was really as peaceful and kind as the story said, and everyone was beautiful, then why was her life so miserable?

why was he being stepped into the abyss?

Special Assistant Luo stepped forward and tore off the tape that sealed director Huang's mouth.

it hurts! director Huang screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

I was wrong, I was wrong!!

the flesh all over his body trembled violently. only then did he believe an xiaowan's words, " You will regret this!

Regret! he was really regretting it now!

If he knew that an Xiaowan had such a Hades by her side, he would not dare to touch a single hair on her!

huo shen's eyes were filled with a wild coldness.

"Didn't you want me to lose my reputation? Then I'll give you this as well."