Chapter 120: the situation went out of control

ka la-" the sound of glass shattering made everyone suck in a cold breath again.

the glass was very sharp, and the bright red blood light soon came out from the gaps between his fingers.

however, huo shen was expressionless. his pupils shrank and were locked on an xiaowan. a terrible storm was brewing in his eyes.

A huge pressure spread out, and the air in the room seemed to have dropped to zero!

" huo qianqian, young master huo! " everyone's lips trembled. although they were frightened, no one dared to step forward.

"young master huo! your hand!"

Only an Xue suddenly rushed forward.

As if she was in a hurry, she immediately shouted at the waiter outside the door, " "get the first aid kit!"

It was time to show off!

an xiaowan, this stupid woman, what's the use of seducing her like that? For a man, being considerate and caring when he was injured was the easiest thing to be moved by!

Who didn't like a considerate and lovely little woman?