for you, young master huo

what did huo shen mean by this?

An Xiaowan's heart tightened. After a while, she finally reacted and got up to walk to the table.

on the table was a black card, a bank card.

the style of the card was simple. it had a black background with the silver huo family logo in the center. it was a custom-made black card of the huo family.

the breakup fee?

An Xiaowan bit her lower lip, a strange pain appearing in her heart. She shook her head and wanted to pick up the torn dress on the ground, but suddenly saw something fall beside her.

Did it fall out of Huo Shen's pocket just now?

she bent down to pick it up and squinted her eyes.

A black ointment with English words written on it appeared in front of her eyes.

what was that?

" ms. an, young master huo asked me to bring you a new set of clothes. " Assistant Lott paused and added, " the entrance has been cleared. There's no one there.

Then, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the corridor.