chapter 150 black card, break!

huo shen didn't answer. he just stared at her quietly with his dark eyes.

This silent feeling made her feel even more numb, as if a chill was spreading up her spine.

She pursed her lips and opened her mouth, wanting to say something to resolve the awkwardness, but her acting skills had always been very good, but at this moment, she couldn't summon them.

"an xiaowan."

after a while, he suddenly spoke again. his cold and magnetic voice sounded like it came from hell, making her subconsciously look up immediately.

the man's slender hand, which was like a piece of art, fell on the table, picked up the black card that an xiaowan had thrown down, and pinched it in his hand.

his gaze was as heavy as smoke, and his dark eyes were covered with a layer of cold mist.

"how much is it worth?" his sexy thin lips curved into a cold arc. " from the moment you threw it away, it became worthless. "

not worth a penny.