leave the lunch box

"And, your son and daughter-in-law?" an xiaowan chuckled and continued lu yange's sentence.

Lu yange was stunned for a moment. He did not expect her tone to be so relaxed. He could not help but turn around to look. the smile on the woman's face was shockingly beautiful, like a blooming enchantress.

However, for some reason, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

An Xiaowan's eyes were fixed on the four figures outside.

Identity? Was it only someone with ye Qingqing's status who could stand by his side? as for her, an xiaowan, she could only hide in the meeting room secretly and watch them having fun together.

However, he was right.

she had indeed lost her reputation and had nothing.

The greed for a higher status? to be honest, she really didn't have any.

Huo Shen was such an unpredictable man. It was hard to predict his emotions. She was already on tenterhooks as a lover, not to mention other positions.