Chapter 177 snack or arsenic

An Xiaowan looked at Special Assistant Luo and heard him say, " "if nothing goes wrong, she should be able to come out tonight." He handed her a piece of paper. this is the residence that young master Huo has arranged for miss Xia. The daily necessities have been purchased.

thank you, assistant Luo. You're always very attentive. An Xiaowan quickly thanked him with a smile.

special assistant luo waved his hand and chuckled. " you're too kind, ms. an. "

after he left, an xiaowan pondered for a moment and decided to make some snacks to please her sugar daddy. She used to be interested in baking at home, so after looking at the recipe and pondering for a moment, she made some egg tarts and a few pieces of mousse cake.

In the afternoon, an Xiaowan brought her lunchbox to Huo Shen's office again.