chapter 188 eating

Damn it!

Huo Shen reached out his arm, wanting to push the woman away or just do it on the spot.

did she even know what she was doing right now? where was she touching?

However, an Xiaowan still felt that it wasn't enough. She reached out her hand in a daze to hit him there and said irritatedly, " "what's going on? what a good face!"

huo shen's handsome face was as black as the bottom of a pot!

did this woman really not do it on purpose?

he felt her soft little hand, and even through the fabric, it made him let out a muffled groan.

huo shen had always thought of himself as a man with strong self-control and few desires. however, he didn't expect that after meeting an xiaowan, it was like a valve that had been closed for more than twenty years suddenly opened, and it was out of control.

"It's so hard, so annoying." In her daze, an Xiaowan was extremely irritable.

She wished she could pull out this terrifying thing immediately and throw it away!