chapter 200-calculating

An Xue's face turned pale. She thought that Mr Page would definitely be furious! he was a one-track minded person. when he believed in you, he would believe in anything. however, once he found out that he had been deceived, she did not know what he would do.

At this time, an Xiaowan had already come down from the stage.

she heaved a sigh of relief, but everyone in the waiting area looked at her in shock.

It turned out that an Xiaowan actually had such strength. If she still needed to sleep on the bed to win, then they could directly pack up and go home for this competition.

just as she took a sip of water and was about to change her clothes, a few staff members suddenly rushed out.

they quickly grabbed an xiaowan from the left and right. a leader came out from behind and said coldly, " " ms. an, you deliberately destroyed the brand's clothing and changed your performance clothes without permission. if everyone does the same, wouldn't the show be in chaos? "