who asked you to be a b * tch?

An Xue's glass was a glass of red wine.

she raised her head and saw the man's white shirt dyed red.

the wine-red liquid, like blood, dripped down from his clothes.

The scene instantly froze.

even an xiaowan, who was standing behind the person, was dumbfounded.

Gong, Gong Li's Kasaya. an Xue's hands trembled. She quickly picked up the napkin beside her and raised her hand to help Gong Li wipe the stains off his body.

however, gong li took a step back and raised his hand to snatch the napkin from her.

His face was filled with frustration. He flicked the red wine off his sleeve, and his deep blue eyes were filled with obvious disgust. another unexpected disaster.

gong li's brows were tightly furrowed. although he had an irritated expression, it was pleasing to the eye.

An Xiaowan blinked and looked at Gong Li. From the direction he was walking in, she guessed that he was probably just passing by and wanted to go to the toilet.