I'll go with you tomorrow

an xiaowan let out a soft moan, and a strange feeling rolled from her toes to her heart.

She was a little intoxicated and subconsciously pouted. She retorted unhappily, " "then you're not allowed to imprison me!"

After she finished speaking, she came to her senses and opened her eyes to look at him.

Just as he was about to say something to remedy the situation, a deep syllable came out of Huo Shen's throat after a few seconds of silence.


an xiaowan was stunned again.

This time, he was really scared, scared silly.

He said "yes"? what did that mean? What was going on? this answer was not like huo shen at all!

An Xiaowan's face was full of surprise, with an expression that said,"are you still Huo Shen?"

huo shen scoffed and snorted. he immediately suppressed this silly woman and had a good time with her.

a moment later, an xiaowan softly begged for mercy, " "Mr. Huo, be gentle! Hold on! Don't leave any more marks!"