Chapter 237 you can't live with your own sins

The camera lights started to flash crazily. An Xue closed her eyes and felt a sense of despair.

was her modeling career going to be ruined just like that?

no, no, i can't give up!

It had been so difficult for her to reach this step and reach this position. she still had a long future ahead of her, and there were still many more to come. she definitely could not stop here!

All these thoughts seemed to take a long time, but in fact, it only took two seconds.

an xue quickly reacted. she knelt on the ground, raised her head, and spread her wings.

she was wearing an angel's outfit today. although it was a little abrupt, it was a good remedy.

Then, she quickly stood up and walked back.

His knee was bleeding, and the bright red color slowly meandered down from his knee, like a river of blood. her clothes were wet with sweat, and she looked a little embarrassed, but she still maintained her last bit of face.