What do you want?

Ye Jingyan narrowed his eyes and looked at an Xiaowan through his glasses.

After a few seconds, she retracted her hand.

She chuckled softly, her eyes shining like stars. you're very calm.

her heart was beating so steadily. this man was obviously not interested in her. an xiaowan was naturally not so narcissistic.

ye jingyan must have some other motive.

At the last gathering, she had already discovered that this cousin of ye Qingqing's, ye Jingyan, looked refined and cultured, but in reality, he was not simple at all. As a young master of a rich family and a member of a family like the ye family, he should have shown some unwillingness and resistance no matter how hard he tried to hide it when he was groveling.

but ye jingyan was extremely calm that time.

The calmer a person was, the scarier they were. The more he didn't care about bowing to beg for a high position, the more he would conserve his energy, like a sleeping tiger.