I want to close the show

Looking at Mei Yue, who was holding the number plate with bright eyes, an Xiaowan went up to her.

"No. 1?" she looked at mei yue in surprise.

mei yue nodded, unable to contain the joy in her eyes.

number 1 was the opening of a show, so it was the best number.

Mei Yue and an Xiaowan had similar numbers, so they went backstage to pick up the clothes together. However, when the two of them arrived at the dressing room, they were stunned.

"Mr ... Mr. Page?"

Mr. Page smiled, took the number plate from their hands, and handed the clothes to them. I have nothing to do, so I'm here to do a part-time job.

In fact, he was strictly monitoring every detail of this competition.

He didn't want anything out of his control to happen again, just like last time.