Chapter 317-a huge debt that has not been settled

after she stepped on it, she crushed it with force and rubbed it left and right.

After the cloth had completely absorbed the water stain, she kicked it aside.

on an xiaowan's face, there was a flirtatious and enchanting smile, but her eyes were cold and frosty.

"young master huo, it's all cleaned up." She chuckled. are you satisfied? "

without waiting for huo shen's reply, she walked out of the room.

her steps were steady and fast, full of rhythm. every step seemed to knock on his heart.

Huo Shen's thin lips were tightly pursed as he watched her leave. His handsome face was dark, and his entire body was in an extremely cold and terrifying state.

cheng yu and mo feifei both lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

lu yange swallowed his saliva and only spoke carefully after a long while. " "brother huo!"

Huo Shen waved his hand coldly, and in an instant, the fruits and wine glasses in front of him were swept to the ground!