Du yunlan's Secret (1)

An Xiaowan picked up the call, but it was quiet on the other end.

"hello, who is this?" she asked again. after a few seconds of pause, she was about to hang up when a female voice suddenly rang out.

the woman's voice trembled as she hurriedly said, " "It's me, du min 'er,"

An Xiaowan, who was about to put down her phone, suddenly froze.

Immediately after, she sat up straight, her eyes clear.

du min 'er!

She was the niece of her stepmother, du yunlan, and the daughter of lawyer an, who had betrayed her and her father. the last time they met at the clubhouse, she had left her phone number after a series of questions. he thought that she didn't want to tell him after not contacting him for so long, but he didn't expect that

"You've thought it through?" An Xiaowan chuckled and subconsciously shook the wine glass in her hand.