the escape plan

an xue, who was chased out of joseph's building by the security guards, was afraid of being seen by the reporters. she quickly stopped a car and called chen yinian.

one year, my brother urged me to be driven out of Joseph's building by the security guards. Sob sob sob sob "

chen yinian, who had just finished a meeting, did not hesitate. when he heard her sobbing voice, he quickly put down his phone and drove over to look for her.

Since there were many reporters at an Xue's house, they decided to meet at Chen Yinian's apartment.

as soon as she entered the house and saw chen yinian, an xue pounced on him and started crying.

" brother yinian, " she sobbed, " an xiaowan bullied me again today. she's too much! " She buried her face in a place where Chen Yinian could not see, and her eyes were filled with vicious hatred. she caused my relationship with Mr. Page to break!

"What's going on?" Chen Yinian was stunned.