The murderer wins the championship

After the host announced and presented the award, Mr. Page walked out.

He took out a contract and held it up in front of the camera. He smiled and said, " "This is the endorsement contract for the brand Joseph Page!" As he spoke, he walked to an Xiaowan with a smile and handed it to her with both hands.

at the same time, the emcee handed a pen to an xiaowan.

" sign it, and you'll become the spokesperson for the joseph page brand this year! "

An Xiaowan held a pen and looked at the contract. She took a deep breath, and her eyes were a little hot and wet.

He was finally on the right track.

qingqing had finally crawled out of hell.

As long as she signed this contract, it would mean that the terrible stage of her life was finally over, and she would welcome a new life!

the fashion industry! she, an xiaowan, was back again!

She took another deep breath and put the pen down. Then, she signed her name seriously.