Feed me

Luo immediately nodded, picked up the bag of milk, and threw it into the trash can in disgust.

When Chen Yinian realized that he was being disdained for being dirty, his expression changed. His hand, which was still in mid-air, froze for a while before he quickly retracted it while trembling.

it was just a bag of milk.

he really didn't believe that even if he had the virus, he could be infected.

he was obviously trying to make things difficult for her.

however, he knew that he was being deliberately embarrassed, so what could he do? as long as the car issue was not resolved, he would have to grovel and beg for a solution. Otherwise, not only would he be in danger, but the entire Chen family's business, which had just taken a turn for the better, would also be destroyed overnight.

"Young master Huo, Qianqian."

chen yinian wanted to say something, but luo reminded him with a smile, " "Chen shaoye, you'd better not affect young master Huo's appetite."