i want your heart

In this dreamy scene, she was even wearing the dress designed by Xia duo, which complemented her beauty even more.

"all of them?" an xiaowan, who had always thought that she had seen the world, could not hide her surprise when she heard his words.

Did he mean to say, this house, or all the modifications in this house?

One must know that the items in this cloakroom alone were worth at least a few million. who knew how much it would cost to replant the plants in the yard? After the renovation, it would probably be several times more expensive than the land deed for the an family's old mansion.

"yes." Huo Shen raised his hand and pointed at an Xiaowan's beautiful dressing table.

there was a document on the dressing table.

She took a closer look and immediately understood that it was a contract for the transfer of a title deed.

"Sign this and this place will be yours." huo shen said lightly.