Don't take me for a fool

huo shen lowered his eyes and looked at the air stewardesses walking below in the distance. he squinted slightly.

His gaze swept across the air stewardesses one by one, but he did not find anyone similar to an Xiaowan.

"Young master Huo, do you really think Ms. An will show up?" luo was actually a little suspicious.

After all, they didn't find an Xiaowan's car or her people, so there was no way to confirm if she had arrived at the airport.

huo shen didn't reply.

he wasn't sure, but he knew that if she was there, she would have a chance to appear.

at the same time, as they got closer to the entrance of the plane, an xiaowan's heart beat faster and faster.

it wasn't the joy of escaping, but an ominous premonition!

an xiaowan finally couldn't help but stop in her tracks.

She lowered her eyes and pretended to bend down to check the box, but in fact, her eyes were looking around.