Fell into the bathtub

an unprecedented panic drained her of all her strength.

Huo Shen, Qianqian! her voice was loud in his mind, but it was hoarse and weak in the air.

No, that was impossible.

there was no way he couldn't make it!

He had always been such a powerful man, like a god who could support heaven and earth. How could someone like him lie there so weakly?

An Xiaowan took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in her heart, and stood up in a hurry.

She reached out and tried to pull Huo Shen out of the bathtub.

However, he was too heavy. It was even harder to move him in his unconscious state than when he was awake.

What should I do, Yingluo?

An Xiaowan was at a loss for two seconds. Suddenly, she felt an itch on the place where his head was touching.

she immediately looked down, then raised her trembling hand and put it between his nose.

It was rustling and breathing!

Although his breathing was very weak and cold, an Xiaowan's heart suddenly had vitality!