the woman in his arms was her?

"Good, Good Morning?" an xiaowan held it in for a long time before she managed to squeeze out such a sentence.

huo shen's dark eyes were still fixed on her, not moving.

in fact, he had already woken up.

when he had just woken up, he felt strange at first. why did the heart-devouring feeling in his body disappear without a trace the moment he woke up? instead, he felt full of energy.

He was in high spirits.

At first, he thought that he had made it through and that the effect of the medicine had finally worn off. Immediately after, he felt a heavy feeling on his arm and a tingling sensation.

when he moved slightly, he could feel that it was a head.

It was a woman's head.

he did not know how long this woman had been lying on his arm. when he felt the soreness and numbness in his arm, he knew that it must have been a long time.

A woman?

how could there be a woman in his room!

huo shen wanted to throw it away immediately, but he didn't move.