a woman needs to be coaxed

"Young master Huo, how are things between you and Ms. An?" Luo quickly asked. when i mentioned your injury to her the other day, she was very worried! i didn't expect her to be so strong that she could smash the tunnel up there with her bare hands. I didn't even have time to pass her the ladder before she jumped down."

thinking of huo shen's habit of angering people to death every time he spoke, assistant luo thought about it and decided to give him a little reminder.

"Young master Huo, it seems like miss an still cares about you. the last time you sent her away, it's an obstacle that women can't easily overcome. this time, you have to coax her. "


Huo Shen frowned.

Special Assistant Luo quickly said, " women need to be coaxed. You can say some good things and do some romantic things to make her happy first. Everything will be easier after that.

even special assistant luo, who had never been in love, understood this logic.