chapter 408-another beast?

When an Xiaowan woke up, the man beside her was still in his original position, as if he had not moved at all.

she rubbed her eyes and felt that she had finally recovered some of her strength.

"are you done considering?" huo shen said as soon as he saw her wake up.

An Xiaowan was slightly stunned. consider what? "

"be my girlfriend."

Wanwan, consider? Did he ask her to consider it?

he had always used a commanding tone, and she had already rejected him decisively. what was there to consider about this matter?

An Xiaowan scratched her head in frustration and tried to persuade him. actually, you can't accept other women because you haven't tried them yet. You see, the first time I went to find you, didn't you also throw me aside a few times?"

She raised her hand and patted his shoulder.

"If you're keeping me here because of this, there's actually no need. Try a few more times and this problem might be cured."