heart-shaped balloon

Although she knew that Huo Shen was frivolous at times, she didn't expect him to be able to be frivolous at this moment.

After getting dressed, Huo Shen carried an Xiaowan from upstairs. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he walked out of Shen Yuan and boarded the boat.

Along the way, all the servants subconsciously lowered their heads in unison.

from the beginning to the end, an xiaowan was the only woman who could live in shen yuan.

now, he was carried downstairs, out, and onto the boat. everyone knew what this meant.

however, they remained silent and did not report this to old master huo and mrs. huo.

Along the way, as long as she needed to walk, Huo Shen would directly carry her up. Hence, even Special Assistant Luo felt that his heart couldn't take it.

this hot dog food was randomly patting on his face.

When they arrived at the old residence, everyone retreated in tacit agreement.