Huo Shen is not coming

The side effect was not the side effect of the drug, but the "side effect" of Huo Shen. after bringing an xiaowan here today, huo shen already didn't know what to do with her. if he gave this woman an injection again, he was afraid that this matter would not end.

And an Xiaowan seemed to be a person who valued friendship. In this case, it was better to start with Susan.

even though it was inhumane, as someone who often interrogated bad people in the military camp, this kind of method was nothing to him.

He was not a good person, never was.

he took the syringe and approached susan.

An Xiaowan's heart suddenly jumped into her throat.

Her face was pale, and as she watched the needle get closer and closer to Susan's arm, she suddenly couldn't help but shout, " stop!

si linghan's movements paused slightly.

A pair of cold and sharp eyes looked at an Xiaowan, as if waiting for her to really surrender.