time is up

After Huo Shen hung up the phone casually after talking to Mr. Si, Luo couldn't help but sneak a few glances behind him.

this move was very damaging!

everyone knew that si linghan wasn't the only lunatic in the si family. his father was no exception. Seeing how he hired an entire mercenary group to stop his son from chasing Xia duo and not caring if he would get hurt, she knew that the entire si family had the genes of lunatics.

after mr. si found out about this, he really didn't know how to deal with si linghan.

Special Assistant Luo thought to himself, young master Huo really made si linghan suffer a big loss without any effort. Yingying is too Black-bellied.

"young master huo, we're here." special assistant luo looked at the scene outside the window and frowned.

this place was simply too chaotic.