The temptation of a shirt

Redemption was something that was beyond one's expectations.

when you look forward to it, it's easy to be disappointed.

however, the one in front of her now was like salvation. Huo Shen was like a god who had reached out to pull her out of hell, making her subconsciously want to put her weight in his hands.

"you shouldn't have been in hell."

in the quiet car, after an xiaowan had closed her eyes for a long time, huo shen suddenly opened his thin lips and said this.

his gaze deepened as he stared at the woman in his arms, his thin lips pursed into a thin line.

This woman seemed to be much more fragile than he had imagined and what others had seen.

a night of dreams.

an xiaowan had many dreams that night.

she dreamed of the time when she and xia duo were still young. they laughed and joked around on campus, as if there were no worries. at that time, xia duo was still fantasizing about a love that would slowly step into marriage.