chapter 455-interfering

After putting on her makeup, an Xiaowan saw Wen biyu again.

she was holding a bottle of water in her hand and quickly handed it over. she smiled and said, " "xiao wan, are you thirsty?"

"I'm afraid that I'll smudge my lipstick," an Xiaowan raised her eyebrows and shook her head.

with that, she continued to walk into the filming set.

The director surrounded her and was full of praise for her outfit.

today's magazine was not particularly famous in the industry, but it was still a little popular. She also heard that the managing editor and director of the magazine were both very nice and well paid, so su Shan took the job.

However, she did not expect that today's shoot would not be so peaceful.

Just as an Xiaowan and the others finished putting on their makeup and were ready to start shooting, the door of the studio was suddenly pushed open.