Do you want my help?

Her heart skipped a beat.

However, her steps were still clean and crisp, as if she was not affected by his existence at all.

Her original plan was to spread the news that she was his girlfriend. Because this was a more eye-catching identity that could cover up her previous identity as a murder suspect.

But now, she was hesitating.

If she had publicized it, it would have brought him so much trouble. If she had used him a little, it would have caused so much trouble between them, Yingluo.

in that case, she would have to change her method.

she was going to use other ways to make herself shine at the banquet today!

Shifting her gaze away from Huo Shen, an Xiaowan walked straight ahead, slowly passing by him.

Walking to the center, ye Jingyan's eyes under his glasses carried a trace of a smile.

"do you want me to help you?" he lowered his voice, his lips barely moving, and his soft voice rang out quietly in a place where no one could see.