do you choose love or money

when the two of them came out after changing, the lights in the banquet hall were switched off.

ye jingyan stood in the middle of the room, dressed in a white suit, with a spotlight on top of his head.

He looked at a man and a woman who were walking side by side in the distance, and the corners of his lips lifted up high.

ye jingyan's dance partner was second.

In fact, it was the true first place.

"Miss Yan, please." he extended his hand to yan cheng and bowed like a gentleman.

yan cheng's face turned red.

she reached out to ye jingyan's palm, nodded, and followed him to the dance floor.

the music started playing.

An Xiaowan was held by Huo Shen, and under the watchful eyes of the crowd, they slowly began to dance.

this did not seem to be their first time dancing, but this time, it was very different from the past.

everyone was watching huo shen and an xiaowan's actions and held their breaths.