The magic of the thigh

after special assistant luo gave her everything, he clapped his hands and asked, " "By the way, do you want to do the opening or closing?"

An Xiaowan's eyes widened and she immediately shook her head.

although special assistant luo meant that she could do it as long as she wanted to.

but the opening and closing of the flying show!

Every year, top international models would be invited to do it. If a newcomer like her were to occupy this position, it would be really inexcusable. if she didn't become famous and instead attracted hate, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Why did Huo Shen suddenly think of giving her some benefits?

a hint of confusion appeared in an xiaowan's eyes. assistant luo looked at her and smiled. " young master huo really misses you. "

did she really get the ticket to the flying show so easily?

moreover, he could even choose to do the opening. this was the magic of his thigh.