chapter 472 something happened to wires

The location they had chosen was in a garden. Behind them was a beautiful Castle that suited the scenery.

an xiaowan frowned slightly at master wei ya's call. she took a deep breath and walked over.

"come, let's try it first." As master Wei Ya spoke, he tied the rope around an Xiaowan's body and tried it several times before ordering the other side to hang her up.

Suddenly, the wire brought her up high.

An Xiaowan found it difficult to maintain her balance for a while, but she quickly stabilized her body.

however, yan cheng's assistant winked at the prestige master who was controlling the promotion.

the next second, master wei ya pretended to be careless and suddenly let go.

Suddenly, an Xiaowan lost her balance and fell!

She cried out in surprise. Just as her body was about to touch the ground, the wire suddenly rose again!