Not a man, it's an Xiaowan!

special assistant luo looked at the car and picked up another telescope.

" there's a bomb tied to the car. " he was slightly shocked. what was going on?

the man with the bomb and the sudden banquet.

the man walked into the banquet hall alone with the remote control.

Seeing that he did not bring si linghan in, Mr. Billy was instantly disappointed. He looked at The Thin Man who walked in and sneered. you're here to make a deal with us just like that? "

an xiaowan did not have stage fright. she put on a bold smile and strode in.

she shook the remote control in her hand and said indifferently, " "if the deal is a success, you can drive this car away."

we haven't even seen if he's the real si linghan. How are we going to make a deal? "

The large banquet hall was filled with wine and all kinds of meat. People from royal duke were all around, and they were all on guard as they walked towards an Xiaowan.