is your brain not good?

When Madam Huo heard this, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Hongye.

using his mouth to suck out the poison?

in other words, she was risking her life to transfer the poison to him!

how much courage did he need, and how sincere was his instinct?

Mrs. Huo was moved by Yan Cheng's words. Which mother would not be grateful to those who were loyal to their child? What's more, she also followed Yan Cheng's words and thought of an Xiaowan's terrifying side.

she was a vicious woman who was cruel enough to kill her father!

moreover, she was the main culprit behind her son's accident! first, she was pushed forward, causing a shortage of supplies and manpower. then, she escaped quickly after the accident, and huo shen had to go to save her, but he was injured and unconscious.

all of these were unforgivable!

"thank you for your hard work, miss hongye." Mrs. Huo said as she reached out and held Hongye's hand gently.