Chapter 356 Huo Shen is awake!

his low and magnetic voice was hoarse, but it also contained boundless depth.

it was like a call from the universe, suddenly making an xiaowan's heart tremble.

Her eyes flickered and she wanted to take a step forward, but she realized that she was still being held.

The man standing by the door looked pale and weak, and even his voice was not as usual. However, his aura and cold arrogance did not weaken at all.

the moment he appeared, the air around him seemed to freeze.

A terrible chill, as if the aura from hell, fell on the person who grabbed an Xiaowan.

almost subconsciously, they retracted their hands as if they had been electrocuted.

"Who is it? who wants to touch her?"

huo shen's hoarse voice was not fierce, but it was calm and emotionless compared to the old doctor's angry voice. But just this alone was enough to make everyone shiver all over, and they felt a little breathless.

he woke up?

Huo Shen had actually woken up!