Staying or leaving

huo shen's words were completely different from mrs. huo's "thank you for your hard work."

an xiaowan's lips curved up. she clutched the cloth on his chest tightly and slowly fell asleep.

this was probably the most peaceful sleep he had in recent days. she didn't need to be afraid that he wouldn't be able to find her when he woke up in the middle of the night. she didn't need to worry that his condition would worsen, and she didn't need to worry that his body temperature would drop instead of rise.

The night was gentle.

huo shen lowered his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms. his eyes were gentler than the night.


Liyin city.

after the heavy rain, the whole city was filled with the fresh smell of grass and trees. every street was clean and seemed to be more beautiful than before.

That night, the bloodstains on the ground had also disappeared without a trace.