grab her hand

“……??”Three huge question marks immediately appeared above an Xiaowan's head.

Did he take her for a fool, or was Gu yingsheng the fool himself?

"it's just a number. is it okay?" gu yingsheng looked at an xiaowan, his eyes full of temptation.

"yingluo, you didn't see your partner's name?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at Gu yingsheng. She narrowed her eyes slightly and her red lips curled up into a charming smile. I'm very sorry. I'm quite satisfied with my partner. I don't want to change.

Gu yingsheng was stunned when he heard this.

she turned around and looked at her manager. didn't she say that it was a secret who her partner was and that only she knew?

the manager blushed and quickly lowered her head.

They were all rumors, so what if she was bragging?

At this moment, Gong Li happened to pass by an Xiaowan from behind. when he heard this, he looked at the number in his hand and his lips curled up into a mysterious smile.