Going back to the old residence

feeling the man's arm around her, an xiaowan immediately looked over subconsciously.

She pursed her lips and smiled, a touch of warmth suddenly appearing in her heart.

Then, she became even more confident.

an xiaowan chuckled meaningfully. " mr. Ireland, i'm really sorry if i've caused you any unhappiness. However, I had no other choice. I really didn't want your hard work to fall into the hands of such a person."

"thank you very much." the man bowed slightly to her, then turned around and quickly left the scene.

the surrounding people started to chatter. at the same time, du yunlan's face turned livid.

She looked around with her assistant and found that everyone was avoiding her sight. Thus, this party was meaningless.

Du yunlan was so angry that she clenched her fists so tightly that her nails almost dug into her flesh.

However, the next second, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

she was not as impatient as an xue.