The poor family and the young miss

moreover, she didn't even care about her image. under the scorching sun, she naturally looked a little embarrassed.

when they compared themselves to gu yingsheng, who was standing in the center of everyone's line of sight at this moment, everyone suddenly felt that the two of them were simply worlds apart.

the difference between a poor family and a young miss!

Gu yingsheng stood in front of the camera and gently unscrewed the cap of a mineral water bottle. Facing the right wind, he smiled with his eyes narrowed and took a sip. She looked so happy that it made people feel that she was not drinking mineral water, but divine water.

"fresh and natural, very good." The director looked at the scene in the camera and nodded in satisfaction.

everyone behind him couldn't help but gasp.

when the people in front of them went up, the director didn't say anything. he only praised gu yingsheng. so, yingluo was almost the winner of this advertisement.