Bring her home for a meal

Moreover, it didn't matter as long as it was complete.

from what she had just said, young master huo had already rejected her flatly!

hearing huo shen's words, the faces of the ye family members darkened. old master huo's expression was also solemn, feeling extremely guilty towards the ye family.

Due to the engagement they had when they were young, the two families had deliberately put ye Qingqing and Huo Shen together, thinking that it would be easier for them to develop feelings for each other when they grew up together. However, she did not expect that ye Qingqing would be full of feelings for him, while Huo Shen was still like a stinky and hard rock, not moved at all.

Madam ye could not hold it in for a long time and finally opened her mouth,"I think what you did to Qing Qing was too much."

Mr. Ye frowned and wanted to stop her, but Madam ye loved her daughter so much that she couldn't help it.