flying out!

The sudden pressure stunned Jiang xiongxi for a while.

he quickly retracted his thoughts and saw the man's long and narrow eyes squint slightly. a dangerous cold glint flashed in his eyes, and his thin lips opened slightly to spit out two words, " "let's try."

Jiang xiong trembled subconsciously when he heard that.

Try it?

he really wanted to say, " i'll try it, " but somehow, in front of this man, he suddenly lost all the courage to be arrogant.

"who are you?" jiang xiong was suddenly a little dazed.

an xiaowan was still leaning in huo shen's arms, looking like a coquettish queen, waiting for the king beside her to come and kill.

xu wen looked at an xiaowan and suddenly thought of something someone had said before.

Men controlled the world, and women controlled men.