making young master huo convinced

riding on a horse and sitting face to face, what kind of scene would that be?

Lu yange swallowed his saliva and looked away.

hongye, on the other hand, was shocked by an xiaowan's shamelessness. To say such words in front of so many people, Yingying was really too shameless.

however, huo shen's eyes narrowed and a deep light flashed in them.

"next time," he said.

Actually, sitting face to face didn't seem too bad.

Huo Shen was deep in thought, but it was definitely not appropriate with so many people around. Next time, when he brought her to a horse track that outsiders couldn't enter, he would try this again.

Hearing that he actually agreed, an Xiaowan was shocked.

what was going on? did she dig a hole for herself?

Without waiting for her to think too much, the man had already squeezed the horse's stomach and said indifferently, " "hold tight."

An Xiaowan hurriedly grabbed it. The next second, she felt the horse under her speeding forward!