if we break up

It was inevitable for them to be entangled with each other.

in the end, an xiaowan's mind was completely blank and she could not remember anything.

She could vaguely hear the man's voice. It was low and magnetic, with a hint of sexy hoarseness. since you're not willing to tell me, I'll help you forget.

who would comfort people like this?

When everything was over, an Xiaowan was lying there, her whole body devoid of strength.

Her skin was covered in a layer of pink, and her body was filled with a myriad of ways to attract people's heartstrings, so fascinating and charming that it was beyond words.

huo shen turned to look.

In the past, an Xiaowan would either fall asleep at this time or lean into his arms.

But today, she didn't move at all, and her breathing didn't seem like she was asleep.

It seemed that this method would not work.